ASME Section I has total administrative jurisdiction and technical responsibility for boiler proper; refer to Fig. A4.1.
The piping defined as boiler external piping (BEP) is required to comply with the mandatory certification by code symbol stamping, ASME data forms, and authorized inspection requirements, called Administrative Jurisdiction, of ASME Section I; however, it must satisfy the technical requirements (design, materials, fabrication, installation, nondestructive examination, etc.) of ASME B31.1, Power Piping Code.
Effective Edition, Addenda, and Code Cases
Code editions are effective on—and may be used on or after—the date of publication printed on the title page. Code addenda are effective on—and may be used on or after—the date of issue. Revisions become mandatory as minimum requirements six months after such date of issuance, except for boilers (or pressure vessels) contracted for before the end of the six-month period.
Use of revisions and code cases that are less restrictive than former requirements of the applicable edition and addenda shall not be made without assurance that they have been accepted by the proper authorities in the jurisdiction in which the power boiler (component) is to be installed. Use of code cases is permissible beginning with the ASME council approval date published on the code case. #Little_PEng