Regardless of more than 100 years of history behind the production life and the worldwide experiences in oil and gas industry, there are still significant numbers of technical challenges which require a piping and pipeline engineer to provide an ad-hoc solution and make a reliable, safe and optimised decision. In this area of expertise, a piping and pipeline engineer needs to build up pragmatic core competencies which are combination of safety, art, calculation, lessons learnt and hands-on activities. To ensure the integrity and quality of these engineering outcomes, the principles and foundation, have been established within the context of international standards such as:
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers);
API (American Petroleum Institute);
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), and here in our local industry;
AS (Australian Standards).
CSA Z662
These standards, assist engineers to have a reliable source of guidelines for recommendations, requirements and constraints for all the different stages including design, construction and operation. This session has been customized to provide a valuable demonstration on some of the most critical type of mechanical failures in piping and pipeline industry and provides a summary of key technical considerations to control and / or mitigate these type of failures based on the International Standards.
Topics covered:
1- Piping and Pipeline Codes and Standards; 2- Criteria for Piping and Pipeline Mechanical Design (consideration and implementation of material, temperature, pressure, fluid, cost etc.) 3- Providing the recommendation and / or requirements for: Material Selection and Mechanical Design for Piping and Pipeline Components; Consideration of Low Temperature, High Temperature, Internal and External Pressure in Design of Component; International and Australian Standards in Oil and Gas Industry, related to Piping and Pipeline such as ASME B 31.3, AS 4041 & As 2885. (Introduction).
Our professional piping stress engineers have a bachelor's degree in mechanical / structural engineering and province license (P.Eng.) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. We review, validate, certify and stamp piping and structural packages.