Meena development LTD. for engineering consultant services offers a wide variety of engineering services across Canada. Our primary focus is to provide expert piping engineering services to our clients.
Combined with our specialized training and depth of experience, we utilize industry-leading tools, technologies, and methodologies to provide practical solutions for your Piping Stress Analysis needs. We offer the following Piping Stress Analysis services: Static Stress Analysis, Dynamic (Transient) Analysis, Equipment Piping Design, Plant & Facility Piping Design, and more Piping Engineering services.
Our team of qualified piping stress engineers has an extensive understanding of CSA Z662 requirements and specifications for both buried and above ground piping in conjunction with the following fluids: High-Pressure Steam, Produced Gas, Produced Emulsion, Diluent, Hot Bitumen, Sour Gas, Sweet Gas, CO2, and other liquids

Piping Stress Analysis Services
Piping Code Compliance Stress Analysis Studies
The first stage of the stress analysis service is to choose which lines to analyze and eventually assign it a priority order. The lines to be analyzed are those at very high temperatures or cryogenic, lines afferent rotating machines, PSV, PED Category III, and several others to assess. Diameters larger or smaller can take to decide whether or not to analyze the line. Our experience and knowledge of different recommended practice allows us to address the choice of the lines in order to maximize the effectiveness of the analysis. The lines are modeled to identify the problems of overloaded areas. Then we proceed with the search for a solution by adjusting the geometry, constraints or by inserting special components, all this to indent the stresses within the limits established by the chosen Code. Although the most commonly used standard are the American ASME B31.3 Process piping and B31.1 Power Piping, or the European EN 13480 Piping Code, specific national standards may be used, such as: General Rules for Piping TBK 5-6, Dutch piping Rule Stoomwezen, etc.
Rotating Equipment Loading Studies
Rotating machines, such as turbines, centrifugal pumps, centrifugal compressors, can reduce the reliability and break if the connecting pipes induce excessive forces on the nozzles. The stress-analysis allows to identify this problem and suggestions will be proposed to improve the situation, by the retrace of the geometry and the insertion of appropriate constraints, so that the total line carries allowable forces according to specific standards of rotating machine.
Vibrating Piping System Studies
Vibrations can lead to malfunctions of the pipe, up to brittle fracture due to fatigue. The line is modeled to study its natural frequencies and mode shapes. Based on the experience and standards of good practice, we can eliminate the problems, often with targeted changes to supports.
Environmental loads: wind, earthquake, snow, ice, sand storms
Nowadays the laws always include a study of the pipes with environmental loads typical of the installation site. Wind, earthquake, snow, ice, sand storms are taken into account to allow that the line functions within the allowable range, even in extreme conditions.
Pressure Relief Piping System Simulation
The PSV shot power can be very strong, so much to undermine the pipe to which it is connected. Our analysis aims to study this rare event in which the pipe is required to work perfectly to prevent major problems. The study of both delivery and discharge PSV line is aimed at safety.
More specific studies
We are able to perform a correct stress analysis even with the presence of very special and specific requests, such as: breaking waves, green see, , blast/explosion loads, differential displacements fluid hammer or surge loads.
Used Codes
We have experienced engineers for the following codes: B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.4 Chapter IX, B31.5, B31.8, B31.8 Chapter VIII, B31.9, B31.11, ASME-NC (Class 2), ASME-ND (Class 3), Navy 505, CAN Z662, AN Z662 Chapter 11, BS 806, Swedish 1, Swedish 2. B31.1-1967, Stoomwezen, RCC-M C, RCC-M D, CODETI, Norwegian TBK-6, FDBR, BS 7159, UKOOA, IGE/TD/12, DNV, EN 13480, GPTC/Z380, PD 8010-1, PD 8010-2, ISO 14692, HPGSL, JPI.

Pipeline Stress Analysis Services
Fluids transport pipelines fall within specific standards, such as ASME B31.4 for liquids, ASME B31.8 for gas, or other non-Americans standard (DNV , CSA Z622, etc.). If the line is onshore, the particularity is the interaction pipeline-ground and the displacement of above-ground portion. Road crossings, intersections with other pipelines or other accidentality will be carefully evaluated and studied. If the line is offshore, environmental loads and installation conditions need a very special and worthy study. All this our stress-analysis will studied, in accordance with the laws and rules of good practice, to have a reliable and always operable design.
Special items: manifolds, slug catchers, X-mass trees, slug catcher and other special items that are within the scope of the code are analyzed to document the integrity of the item and the connected piping.
Our professional piping stress engineers have a bachelor's and Master's degree in mechanical / structural engineering and province license (P.Eng.) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. We review, validate, certify and stamp piping and structural packages.