Meena Development LTD. is a market leader company in pipe stress analysis services, due to our highly skilled and experienced piping stress engineers in the Canadian and international market and its needs.
What is Piping Stress Analysis
We in Meena Development LTD. have established our name as market leaders in performing the pipe stress analysis, were we provided our clients an approach that serves their project requirements corresponding to pipes support budget as we provide a bios review to the system requirement which gave the upper hand to our clients on supplier which they usually over price/estimate quantities required for the project, stress analysis for any pressurized systems is a must and pure necessity to analyze the stresses in a piping system.
Surge Analysis
we provide the analysis for changes of pressure in a piping system, due to sudden changes in flow velocity. Pressure surges can occur from transient operation of valves and pumps, which ultimately causes fatigue failure of pipes, supports, instrumentation and equipment.
Piping Seismic Analysis and verification
Performing the seismic analysis will advise on the type seismic restraint required to resist seismic horizontal forces as per the project seismic zone, as Meena Development LTD. we promise our clients to provide the right system review that matches the project requirement.
we use the well know and proven CAESAR II software, as it evaluates the structural responses and stresses of piping systems to international codes and standards, it gives us the flexibility to assume and run multiple loading scenarios that matches the diversive project nature and requirements
Located in Calgary Alberta, We offer our Piping Stress Analysis Services and Structural Engineering Services across Canada.
Our structural Engineers / piping stress engineers have a bachelor's and Master's degree in mechanical / structural engineering and province license (P.Eng.) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. We review, validate, certify and stamp piping and structural packages.